subject | 나노 하이드록시아파타이트의 특징과 장점 |
writer | 관리자 |
date | 18-12-12 13:24 |
hit | 1,637 |
Safe A key Component of Human Body 인체의 주 구성물질Hydroxyapatite is a major component of the human body, comprising 60% of bone, 97% of tooth enamel and 70% of dentin. Saliva is also rich in the components of hydroxyapatite, which it supplies to the teeth to replace mineral dissolved by plaque acids, the first step towards tooth decay.By restoring lost mineral, saliva acts to protect against decay in a natural healing process known as ‘remineralization.’ Sangi’s Medical Hydroxyapatite supports this natural healing function, Biocompatible Used Widely in Dental & Medical Applications 의료용으로 널리 사용 되는 생체친화적인 물질Because it is extremely biocompatible, hydroxyapatite is used in a wide range of medical and dental applications, such as artificial tooth and bone, tissue repair, and coatings to improve the biocompatibility of orthopedic implants. It is also a protein-binding agent, used in chromatography and bacterial culture. In dental applications, hydroxyapatite is sometimes used as an abrasive,depending on its manufactured properties and particle size. However Sangi’s nanohydroxyapatite is a non-abrasive, enamel-restorative mineral, closely resembling the natural hydroxyapatite of the teeth, and approved in Japan for its anticaries properties. Edible A Dietary Calcium Phosphate Source 먹을 수 있는 칼슘포스페이트의 원료![]() Hydroxyapatite is also a rich source of easily digested calcium phosphate, and is used in dietary supplements, remineralizing chewing gum, and as an additive in foods. Enamel-Restorative An Alternative to Fluoride for Anticaries Use 에나멜 수복: 충치예방물질로서 불소의 대안The influence of fluoride in reducing dental caries has been clearly demonstrated. Its use in drinking water and oral care products dates back over 70 years. Fluoridation has been called the single most effective public health measure to prevent new tooth decay, and early U.S. studies showed it reduced caries among schoolchildren by as much as 35-60%. However excess fluoride can lead to problems such as dental or skeletal fluorosis, and the amount permitted in oral care products and community water systems is controlled.
Fig 1. Average increase in new caries using the test toothpaste once daily for 1 year (Group A) and 3 years (Group B)Fig 2. Remineralization effect of fluoride and nanohydroxyapatite toothpastes, by pH cycling
A recent in situ study conducted among healthy adults in the U.S. found that Sangi’s Medical Hydroxyapatite toothpaste not only inhibited development of caries but was not significantly different from fluoride in its ability to remineralize early caries lesions. (Amaechi et al, Remineralization of Early Caries Lesions by Nanohydroxyapatite Dentifrice). This supported the findings of earlier in vitro studies in Hong Kong which showed no significant difference in remineralizing effect between fluoride- and Medical Hydroxyapatite (‹mHAP ›)-containing toothpastes. (NM King et al, Remineralization by Nanohydroxyapatite-containing Dentifirice) Action of Fluoride 불소의 작용Fluoride is an element (F-), supplied in the form of compounds such as sodium fluoride (NaF) or sodium monofluorophosphate (NaMFP). It does not replace mineral itself, but strengthens teeth against decay by promoting the uptake of calcium and phosphate from saliva and other sources into the enamel (remineralization). In doing so, it forms a new substance, fluoridated apatite, on the tooth surface, more resistant to plaque acids than the enamel’s original carbonated hydroxyapatite. Action of Medical Hydroxyapatite 의료용 하이드록시아파타이트의 작용In contrast, nano Medical Hydroxyapatite is a crystalline calcium phosphate substance almost identical to the natural hydroxyapatite of our teeth. Supplied in the form of nanoparticles, it directly replaces lost mineral to restore subsurface demineralized areas of tooth enamel (incipient caries) and fill microscopic fissures on the enamel surface. Its nanoparticles also bind protein such as oral bacteria and plaque fragments during brushing, facilitating their removal from the mouth.
1970s Born in Japan: A Toothpaste that Repairs Tooth Enamel 1970년대 에나멜 수복용 치약으로 탄생![]() Japanese company Sangi first became interested in hydroxyapatite – the substance of our teeth and bone – after acquiring a dental materials patent from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Authority (NASA) in the 1970s. Astronauts lose mineral from their teeth and bone in a gravity-free environment, and NASA proposed synthesizing hydroxyapatite as a means of restoring this. 1980s Early Lab Work and Field Trials 1980년대 실험질 연구와 필드임상테스트![]() Throughout the 1980s, both in its own research and third-party studies commissioned at Japanese universities, Sangi accumulated data supporting the enamel-restorative properties of its proprietary nanohydroxyapatite ingredient. Most were reported in Japanese, but studies in English include those by Kani et al, The Effect of Apatite-Containing Dentifrices on Artificial Caries Lesions (1988) and Ohashi et al, Remineralization of Artificial Caries Lesions by Hydroxyapatite (1991), both of which were commissioned by Sangi and used Sangi's material. (See Research Papers). 1990s Anticaries Approval: Medical Hydroxyapatite(‹mHAP› ®) 1990년대 충치예방물질 승인 <mHAP>Following over a decade of laboratory research and field trials, Sangi's proprietary form of hydroxyapatite was approved by the Japanese government as an active anticaries ingredient in 1993.
Before 2003 After 2003 Nano ‹mHAP› particle size distribution (Data: Sangi Central Research Laboratory)
2000s Emerging Interest in Nanohydroxyapatite Worldwide 2000년대 나노하이드록시아파타이트에대한 세계적 관심의 증가Sangi's hydroxyapatite, in oral care, is used mainly in toothpaste and remineralizing chewing gum. It has been shown to occlude exposed dentinal tubules, helping reduce hypersensitivity, and is also used in enamel-restorative formulations for dental clinical use. |
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